Charity lunch in Berlin, 10-3-2019

Dear friends! Thank you all who attended our diner at Pokrov parish on March 10, 2019. With your help, we could raise for the children being treated in Europe.
Berlin volunteers

Charity bazaar , 3-3-2019

Дружными усилиями всего прихода церкви Преображения Господня в Баден-Бадене 3 марта состоялась очередная благотворительная ярмарка “Радуйся, Масленица”! Праздник проходил на территории церкви при поддержке нашей крепкой братии и умелых хозяюшек-сестричек!
With the joint efforts of the entire parish of the Church of the Transfiguration in Baden-Baden, the charity bazaar “Rejoyce, Maslenitsa” took place on March 3! The feast was held on the church premices with the support of our strong brethren and skillful and hospitale sisters!
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Charity bazaar on January 6-7 in Essen

Here, in the parish of Sts. Cosmas and Damian in Essen, it has become a good tradition to hold a charity bazaar on the feast of the Nativity of Christ! This time, we have collected EUR 1,100 for the care-receivers of the Diaconia: Yana Labun (8 years old) and Alexey Sebov (2 years old).
We heartily thank the inspirers, helpers, participants and donators.
We thank everyone who made the dumplings, baked gingerbread, prepared the cakes, knitted the socks and hats for sell, have set the things up and sold everything.
Holding a bazaar also helps to wake up people for the parish life; more and more volunteers are willing to help.

Christmas in university cllinics, Cologne

Every year, at the Christmas holidays, the volunteers of Diaconia “Good Deed” visit their care-receivers and try to fulfill their wishes and dreams. Thereby the Light of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ penetrates the walls of hospital wards and dormitories, and, in spite of grave illnesses and troubles, even for a short time joy and comfort come to the children and adults . Read more

Christmas charity market in Cologne: 16-12-2018

The traditional pre-Christmas charity market has taken place on December 16 in Cologne.
The volunteers of Diaconia Good Deed have started the preparations for the winter charity event already in early autumn. I am glad that from year to year more and more friends help us with the event. The teachers and students of St. John of Shanghai Children’s and Youth Center, the sisterhood, the parishioners of the church of Sts. Great martyr worked all together for good. Even the preschoolers, as usual, have baked Christmas cookies under the guidance of the teachers and parents. Read more