Berlin, 14-10-2019

We would like to thank our volunteer Natalya who has accompanied a family of our care-receivers for an appointment in Charite clinic, Berlin. The appointment was complex, important and long. During 6 hours they have had the consultations with various specialists, X-ray, diagnostics, and negotiations. The appointment was a sucsses: the plan of futher treatment has been established. Our care-receivers deeply appreciate the help of Natalya.

Cologne, University Clinics, October 2019

Our volunteers in Cologne come on a regular basis to the hostel for the children suffering from cancer, at the University Clinics. They play with the kids and teach them.

Photos: Baden-Baden, 15-9-2019

Dear friends, on September 15, the parishioners of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Baden-Baden have raised the funds for travel and rehabilitation for our care-receiver Denis K.
The volunteers Ksenia and Angela have organized a sale of pastries, that were prepared by responsive parishioners. The Sun warmed everyone after the Sunday liturgy, while the pastry and hot tea pleased with the aromas and pleasant taste. We thank all the participants!

Berlin, Charite hospital

Our volunteer Nina helps with the translation at the appointment with a pediatrician. After the appointment there was an opportunity to chat, answer the questions of the care-receivers and support with word, advice and simply the presence. Thank you, our volunteers.

Cologne, August

Our Cologne volunteers Maria, Xenia, and Swetlana pay visits the hostel for cancer-suffering children at Uniklinik Koeln, entertain and play with the children, talk to their parents.