MAY 2021

Christ is Risen!
We congratulate everyone with the bright feast of Easter! May the victory of Christ over the Death give us all the hope and strength to do good.

Dear friends, thank you for your help.
In April, we have helped to:
Nikita Tereshchenkov, 17 y. o., Leningrad region, Russia, acute myeloid leukemia;
Matvey Belyakov, 10 y. o., St. Petersburg, Russia, congenital absence of fibula;
Masha Ruzavina, 11 y. o, Irkutsk region, Russia, congenital epidermolysis bullosa;
Liza Savelyeva, 12 y. o., Ukraine, epilepsy;
Eldar Eldarov, 16 y. o., Chechen Republic, Russia, cerebral palsy;
Semyon Ivanov, 23 y. o., Estonia, cerebral palsy, level 4 diplegia.
In May, the following children and young adults need our help: Read more

APRIL 2021

Spring is in full swing. So we have more and more strength for good deeds! Thank you for being with us and carrying on with helping people around!
With your help, in March we have managed to fully or partially pay for the treatment of:
Mark Badanin, 3 years old, Belarus, liver cancer,
Natalia Gergel, 62 years old, Ukraine, breast cancer,
Elizaveta Savelyeva, 12 years old, Ukraine, epileptic encephalopathy.

The volunteers of Diakonia groups in Germany have visited families who arrive for the treatment, helped with translation at appointments with doctors, and taken them to church. In March, the assistance was provided to several dozen families. An excerpt from the report of one of the groups: “We have prepared for the arrival of the family of G.: we got a folding bed, kitchen utensils, purchased food and prepared lunch for the arrival, and met them at the airport.” Our volunteer translators have translated 34 pages of medical documents in March.
Thanks to everyone who helps and supports!

In April, our help is expected by: Read more

MARCH 2021

Dear friends, thank you for your support. In February, we have helped to secure support from a German charity fund for a surgery at a Bonn clinic for Milana Volkova, 3 y.о., Vladimir, Russia, heart disease; transferred money for the treatment of Andrei Turov, 4 y.o., Barnaul, Russia, Ewing’s sarcoma; paid for and delivered a special bicycle for Vasilisa Degtyareva, 3 years old, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, Volgograd region, Russia; supported financially Eldar Eldarov, 16 y.o., cerebral palsy, Chechnya; paid for the rehabilitation course for Artem Kashira, 23 y.o., Tula region, traumatic brain injury.

This month, we have a plenty of urgent cases. Our help is awaited by: Read more


Dear friends, in January we have helped to purchase medical equipment and simulators for Eva Grabovskaya, 3 years old, Russia, neuroblastoma, Sasha and Pasha Sanyukevich, 10 years old, Belarus, cerebral palsy; Fedya Emelyanov, 4 years old, Russia, cerebral palsy, Ilona Glamozda, 5 years old, Belarus, and also pay for the first stage of treatment for Andrei Turov, 4 years old, Russia, Ewing sarcoma. Thank you for your help!
Some of the medical equipment was not yet sent to their owners. If you have the opportunity to help us deliver it to Russia and Belarus, write to us as soon as possible!

In February, the help is awaited by: Read more


Dear friends, blessed Christmas to you!
The wonderful New Year’s holidays have just passed. Thank you for using this time for active participation in good deeds! With your help, we have brought joy to many children and families.
The gifts and congratulations have been sent to our care-receivers undergoing treatment in Germany, those in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, who returned home after a treatment or are still preparing for a treatment, to the families who took part in DobroMore rehabilitation programs, and to low-income families with sick children in Montenegro — in total, to about 100 families and 150 children.

Some responses:
“Many thanks to everyone who has helped and taken part …. You bring happiness and joy not only to children, but also to us, the parents …. Low bow for your kind hearts !!!!!!!!!”
“We got your gifts! Thank you very much !!!!! 🙏I can’t even express how unexpected and pleasant it is! It’s so joyful that you remember us🥰 Ruslan, when he has found out about the gifts, sat at the door for an hour anxious not to miss the moment of delivery 😂 He unpacked it himself and was very happy). Thanks again to your whole team, to all who feels involved 🙏 Owing to such people, the world is changing for the better! We wish you great happiness, good health, and to all your loved ones! Let the troubles bypass your homes, let you children grow up and make you happy. We are happy to meet on our way. We hope to see you soon! Take care of yourself! With love and gratitude!”
“Just in time for the Christmas table 🙏 How wonderful you are! Thank you very much. We also wish you wonderful holidays!”

In January, our help is awaited by: Read more